
Wallpapers, forum avatars, forum signatures, and photoshop!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Midterm Exam

          To my left is the 2 pages, in the normal horizontal magazine layout. I choose to capture my readers' attention with strong black and white contrast and you need to turn the 2 pages to read what is on them. Once you turn the pages, the image below is what you will see.

          I try to put minimum text, and in the same time, telling his story. His shadow also have been painted pitch black to fore-shadow his turning from the hero (his right side is also lighter compared to his left side) to the villain known by many people as the "One-Winged Angel" for his one black wing on his right shoulder. I applied the rule of 3rd with Sephiroth on the right side, and using the text as the 2 horizontal lines.

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