
Wallpapers, forum avatars, forum signatures, and photoshop!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Jackie Estacado Wallpaper

A request from a friend at my school. I like the voice in the game, so I made one with the text and one without. There you go!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Animus 2.0 Desktop By M4v3r1cX & jpgeolina

I did not make this, I just modified it, credits in the title.

 Visit their original video here.
After installing rainmeter + dreamscape, disable the icons on you desktop by right-click > sort > (un select) show desktop icons. This way, when you change it back, you only need to show desktop icon.
The buttons can be edited using Photoshop, buttons can be requested.
The path that the buttons lead to can be edited in the buttons.ini, ask questions by commenting or e-mailing me (because the owner does not answer questions anymore).